Search / Trial NCT00001405

Recruitment and Apheresis Collection of Peripheral Blood Hematopoietic Stem Cells, Mononuclear Cells and Granulocytes


Trial Information

Current as of October 22, 2024



Chronic Granulomatous Disease Cd34 Cells Infection Nadph Oxidase Healthy Volunteer Natural History Normal Volunteer


The research goal of this study is to obtain CD34+ hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) from peripheral blood and/or bone marrow, and Mononuclear Cells (lymphocytes and monocytes), and granulocytes (grans) from peripheral blood that will be used in the laboratory and/or in the clinic to develop new cell therapies for patients with inherited or acquired disorders of immunity or blood cells. Development of novel cellular therapies requires access to HSC, Mononuclear Cells and/or granulocytes as the essential starting materials for the pre-clinical laboratory development of gene therapies and other ...



Eligibility criteria

  • Patients (Patients with a genetically defined PID or other blood disorder or clinical history consistent with PID or other blood disorder)
  • 1. Patients will have a genetically defined PID or have a clinical history of recurrent infections or other problems suggestive of PID or other blood disorder, must be 18-70 years of age,
  • 2. Some patients may have active bacterial or fungal infection at the time of study entry.
  • 3. Preserved renal function (creatinine less than or equal to 2.5 mg/dL; less than or equal to 3+ proteinuria); preserved hepatic function (bilirubin less than or equal to 2.0 mg/dl); preserved hematologic function (WBC greater than or equal to1000/mm\^3;granulocytes greater than or equal to 500/mm\^3; platelets greater than or equal to 100,000; hematocrit greater than or equal to 25). Of note, patients with PID often have associated chronic thrombocytopenia. Patients with stable chronic thrombocytopenia will be eligible for collection, at the investigator s discretion, with the caveat that patients with platelet count \<40,000 the day prior to collection will be transfused with platelets on the morning of collection. Platelets may also be given to these patients following the collection if medically indicated..
  • 4. Patients of childbearing potential may be entered if using effective contraception and having a negative serum or urine pregnancy test within one week of beginning G-CSF administration.
  • 5. Patients may remain on their regimen of prophylactic treatments as deemed necessary by the investigator.
  • 6. Willingness to allow blood cell samples to be stored
  • 7. Willingness to allow blood and/or bone marrow samples to be modified to iPS cells
  • Healthy Adult Volunteers
  • 1. Healthy adults aged 18-65 without active current infection or history of recurrent infection,
  • 2. Weighs at least 50kg.
  • 3. Normal renal function (creatinine less than or equal to 1.5 mg/dL; less than or equal to 1+ proteinuria); normal hepatic function (bilirubin less than or equal to 1.5 mg/dL); normal hematologic function (WBC greater than or equal to 2500/mm\^3; granulocytes greater than or equal to 1200/mm\^3; platelets greater than or equal to 120,000; hematocrit greater than or equal to 38).
  • 4. Normal female volunteers of childbearing potential may be entered if using effective contraception and having a negative serum or urine pregnancy test within one week of beginning GCSF administration.
  • 5. Willingness to allow blood cell samples to be stored
  • 6. Willingness to allow blood and/or bone marrow samples to be modified to iPS cells
  • For PBMCs and grans collections, adult subjects with known genetic mutations may participate as healthy volunteers for research purposes as long as the other criteria listed above are fulfilled.
  • Patients
  • 1. Patients who are hemodynamically unstable (systolic or diastolic blood pressure fall of 20 mm Hg from the stable patient s baseline measurement) or requiring mechanical respiratory assistance are excluded.
  • 2. Female patients who are pregnant or lactating as determined by history and/or positive pregnancy test are excluded.
  • 3. Must be negative by routine blood donor eligibility testing criteria including tests for syphilis (RPR) and TTV Donor Transplant Panel testing (list is modified periodically, but may include hepatitis B and C, HIV and HTLV, T. cruzi). This does not apply to leukapheresis patients, as these tests are not required by DTM.
  • 1. XSCID patients do not make antibodies and false positives may occur because they receive periodic infusions of pooled donations of IVIG. We have observed positive anti-HBc testing in these patients. If this occurs, more specific DNA or antigen testing will be done and must be negative.
  • 2. Patients with CGD and other patients with autoimmunity as part of their PID phenotype may have false positive antibody tests and if this occurs more specific DNA or antigen testing will be done and must be negative.
  • 3. Autologous HSC Transplant patients - may be positive for Hepatitis B and C if the investigator deems it necessary to be collected and used as a safety back-up
  • Healthy Volunteers
  • 1. Active bacterial, fungal or viral infection as evidenced by history, physical exam (temperature \>38 degress C), or WBC \>9000 are excluded.
  • 2. Females who are pregnant or lactating as determined by history and/or pregnancy test are excluded.
  • 3. Must be negative by routine blood donor eligibility testing criteria, including tests for syphilis (RPR) and TTV Recipient Transplant Panel (list is modified periodically, but may include hepatitis B and C, HIV and HTLV, T. cruzi) This does not apply to leukaphersis patients, as these tests are not required by DTM policy.
  • 4. Someone without peripheral venous access in arm veins adequate for apheresis (healthy volunteers only).
  • 5. If in the opinion of the investigator participation in this study places the healthy adult volunteer at undue risk.
  • Patients being considered for clinical scale bone marrow harvesting
  • 1. Who are unable to lie prone during the bone marrow harvesting procedure.
  • 2. Who are unable to tolerate general anesthesia during the bone marrow harvesting procedure.

About National Institute Of Allergy And Infectious Diseases (Niaid)

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) is a key component of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) dedicated to advancing the understanding, prevention, and treatment of infectious and immune-mediated diseases. Through rigorous clinical trials, NIAID aims to foster innovative research that enhances public health and addresses global health challenges, including emerging infectious diseases and allergies. The institute collaborates with various partners, including academic institutions, industry, and international organizations, to translate scientific discoveries into effective therapies and vaccines. NIAID's commitment to high-quality clinical research is integral to improving health outcomes and informing policy decisions in the realm of infectious diseases and immunology.


Bethesda, Maryland, United States

Bethesda, Maryland, United States

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Estimated completion

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Discussion 0