Search / Trial NCT05638932

Methodologies for Observational Studies Comparing Inpatient COVID-19 Treatments

Launched by AETION, INC. · Dec 2, 2022

Trial Information

Current as of February 05, 2025



ClinConnect Summary

In this study we seek to evaluate current methodologies for observational comparative studies of inpatient COVID-19 treatments \[Overall Study Objective\]. To support this overall study objective, we have defined additional supporting objectives related to the research process \[Process Objectives\] as applied to an illustrative example of an observational study to evaluate the comparative effectiveness of inpatient COVID-19 treatments \[Illustrative Example\].

Process Objectives:

Characterize differences in study results when an intentional multiphase approach (IMA) to diagnostics and co...



Eligibility criteria

  • Inclusion Criteria:
  • Hospitalized from June 16, 2020 to February 01, 2022 with an international classification of diseases (ICD)-10 diagnosis code of U07.1 in an any admitting diagnosis position (Day 0)
  • Initiate either IL6Ri or JAKi within 4 days after hospital admission (Days 0 to 4)
  • Receiving systemic CSI on day of IL6Ri/JAKi initiation (Day T)
  • Receipt of at least one respiratory support procedure (oxygen supplementation at a minimum) from admission to IL6Ri/JAKi initiation (Days 0 to T)
  • For Illustrative Example - Objective I only:
  • -maximum modified World Health Organization (mWHO) disease severity of O2/NIV/HFO from admission to IL6Ri/JAKi initiation (Days 0 to T)
  • For Illustrative Example - Objective II only:
  • Admission to ICU at hospital admission (Day 0) and mWHO disease severity of IMV/ECMO from hospital/ICU admission to IL6Ri/JAKi initiation (Days 0 to T)
  • Continuous medical claims enrollment (60-day gaps permitted) during the 183 day baseline period prior to and including hospital or ICU admission (Days -183 to 0) to minimize the potential for misclassification of baseline covariates
  • Exclusion Criteria:
  • Exclude patients without continuous medical claims enrollment (60-day gaps permitted) during the 183-day baseline period prior to and including hospital/ICU admission (Days -183 to 0) to minimize the potential for misclassification of baseline covariates.
  • Exclude patients if COVID-19 hospitalization (Day 0) begins \>14 days after initial COVID-19 diagnosis. Patients will be excluded if any COVID-19 diagnosis is recorded from 90 days to 15 days before admission (Days -90 to -15) to exclude patients with possible long-term COVID or post-acute sequelae while still permitting prior infections recorded more than 90 days pre-admission.
  • No age, sex, or geographic region recorded on hospital admission (Day 0)
  • Age less than 18 years at hospital admission (Day 0)
  • Evidence of a prior COVID-related inpatient hospitalization in the previous 14 days (Days -14 to -3), with a two-day buffer to permit brief inpatient utilization directly proceeding transfer to a chargemaster hospital (i.e., inpatient utilization permitted on Days -2 to -1)
  • Systemic CSI use (dispensing or remaining supply) in the previous 14 days (Days -14 to -3), with a two-day buffer to permit CSI use beginning in the emergency department or other healthcare setting immediately prior to chargemaster hospital admission (CSI use permitted Days -2 to -1)
  • Any recorded use of IL6Ri or JAKi (dispensing or remaining supply) in the 90-day washout period before IL6Ri or JAKi initiation (Days -90 to T-1), to satisfy new use definition
  • Baseline receipt of oxygen or ventilation support for non-COVID conditions (e.g., supplemental oxygen for COPD), defined as two or more respiratory support procedures recorded on different days from Days -90 to -15 via procedure codes from medical claims, chargemaster, and where available, oxygen supplies recorded in pharmacy settings.
  • Death or discharge occurs before or on the day of treatment initiation (Days 0 to T)
  • Recorded use of both IL6Ri and JAKi on Day T

Trial Officials

Vera Frajzyngier, PhD

Principal Investigator

Aetion, Inc.

Liz M Garry, PhD

Principal Investigator

Aetion, Inc.

About Aetion, Inc.

Aetion, Inc. is a pioneering healthcare technology company dedicated to transforming real-world data into actionable insights for clinical decision-making and regulatory processes. By leveraging advanced analytics and machine learning, Aetion provides robust evidence generation solutions that facilitate the evaluation of treatment effectiveness, safety, and value in various therapeutic areas. With a commitment to improving patient outcomes and supporting evidence-based healthcare, Aetion partners with biopharmaceutical companies, payers, and regulatory agencies to drive innovation and enhance the efficiency of clinical trials and post-market studies.


New York, New York, United States

People applied


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Trial launched

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Estimated completion

Not reported

Discussion 0

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