Search / Trial NCT06235359

Is Intercostal Tube Enough in Management of Empyema

Launched by ASSIUT UNIVERSITY · Jan 30, 2024

Trial Information

Current as of October 03, 2024

Not yet recruiting



Empyema refers to presence of pus in the pleural space -Causes Primary: bacterial Pneumonia (staph aureus, strept pneumonia , H.influenza) , TB Secondry : PostTraumati postoperative :open heart , esophageal, mediastinum , lung rupture of lung absess -pathophysiology and stages During an inflammatory process such as pneumonia, there is an increase in fluid production in the pleural cavity known as the exudate stage. As the disease progresses microorganisms, usually bacteria, can colonize the fluid and generated an empyema. This fluid is characterized by elevated lactate dehydrogenase, pro...



Eligibility criteria

  • Inclusion Criteria:
  • * patients admitted to Assuit university Hospital and diagnosed with empyema
  • Exclusion Criteria:
  • * Patient diagnosed with Post-operative empyema
  • * Patient diagnosed with post traumatic empyema
  • * Patient diagnosed with Bronchopleural fistula
  • * Patient diagnosed with TB

About Sponsor

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID, /ˈnaɪ.æd/) is one of the 27 institutes and centers that make up the National Institutes of Health (NIH), an agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). NIAID's mission is to conduct basic and applied research to better understand, treat, and prevent infectious, immunologic, and allergic diseases.



Jennifer Cobb

Immunology at National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)


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