Search / Trial NCT06428591

Tandem Freedom - Feasibility Trial 1

Launched by TANDEM DIABETES CARE, INC. · May 20, 2024

Trial Information

Current as of February 18, 2025



Type 1 Diabetes T1 D Tandem T:Slim X2 Automated Insulin Delivery

ClinConnect Summary

After a 1 week Control-IQ run-in at home, 10 adults who are existing Control-IQ users with type 1 diabetes will use the Tandem Freedom System for 3 days/nights in a supervised hotel setting. Participants will perform meal and exercise challenges. The primary outcome is safety events. CGM time in ranges will also be evaluated.



Eligibility criteria

  • Inclusion Criteria:
  • Age ≥18 years old
  • Diagnosis of type 1 diabetes for at least 1 year
  • Current Control-IQ user, having been prescribed Control-IQ for at least 3 months
  • HbA1c ≤10%, recorded in the last 3 months
  • Investigator has confidence that the participant can successfully operate all study devices and is capable of adhering to the protocol, including performing the weekend hotel observed setting portion of the study.
  • Willing to use only aspart (novorapid) or lispro (humalog) insulin with the study pump, with no use of long-acting basal insulin injections, or inhaled insulin with the study pump.
  • Have current glucagon product to treat severe hypoglycemia (injectable or nasal) at home (site will provide prescription if they do not have one)
  • Exclusion Criteria:
  • More than 1 episode of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) in the past 6 months
  • More than 1 episode of severe hypoglycemia (needing assistance) in the past 6 months
  • Inpatient psychiatric treatment in the past 6 months
  • For Female: Currently pregnant or planning to become pregnant during the time period of study participation
  • 1. A negative pregnancy test will be required for all females of child-bearing potential
  • 2. Counseling on appropriate birth control options will be provided to all females of child-bearing potential
  • Concurrent use of any non-insulin glucose-lowering agent, other than metformin (for example, GLP-1 agonists, Symlin, DPP-4 inhibitors, SGLT-2 inhibitors, sulfonylureas).
  • Hemophilia or any other bleeding disorder
  • Hemoglobinopathy
  • History of heart, liver, lung or kidney disease determined by investigator to interfere with the study
  • History of allergic reaction to Humalog or Novorapid
  • Use of any medications determined by investigator to interfere with study
  • Significant chronic kidney disease (which could impact CGM accuracy in investigator's judgment) or hemodialysis
  • Concurrent use of any medication that could interfere with the study CGM, such as hydroxyurea
  • History of adrenal insufficiency
  • History of abnormal TSH consistent with hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism that is not appropriately treated
  • History of gastroparesis
  • A condition, which in the opinion of the investigator or designee, would put the participant or study at risk
  • Participation in another pharmaceutical or device trial at the time of enrollment or anticipated for during the time period of study participation
  • Employed by, or having immediate family members employed by Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc., or having a direct supervisor at place of employment who is also directly involved in conducting the clinical trial (as a study investigator, coordinator, etc.); or having a first-degree relative who is directly involved in conducting the clinical trial

Trial Officials

Jordan Pinsker, MD

Study Director

Tandem Diabetes Care

About Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc.

Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc. is a leading medical device company dedicated to transforming the lives of individuals with diabetes through innovative technology. Specializing in the design and development of advanced insulin delivery systems, Tandem focuses on creating user-friendly products that enhance the management of diabetes. The company's flagship product, the t:slim X2 Insulin Pump, features cutting-edge capabilities such as integration with continuous glucose monitoring systems and the ability to deliver personalized insulin therapy. Committed to improving patient outcomes, Tandem Diabetes Care actively engages in clinical trials to advance diabetes care and ensure the efficacy and safety of its products.


Christchurch, , New Zealand

People applied


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Trial launched

Trial updated

Estimated completion

Not reported

Discussion 0