Prospective Observational Study to Evaluate Secukinumab Treatment Effectiveness in Pediatric Patients With Active Juvenile Enthesitis-related or Psoriatic Arthritis
Launched by NOVARTIS PHARMACEUTICALS · May 22, 2024
Trial Information
Current as of March 14, 2025
Not yet recruiting
ClinConnect Summary
Rheumatologists and pediatricians actively managing pediatric Enthesitis-related Arthritis (ERA) and Juvenile Psoriatic Arthritis (jPsA) in different regions of Russia are planned to participate in the study. To be include in this study, physicians must consult more than 10 pediatric patients with ERA/jPsA in a typical month. Any pediatric patients with active ERA/jPsA who started secukinumab treatment (index date) within 4-8 weeks prior to inclusion can be enrolled. At the inclusion retrospective data collection is planned, then data will be collected 3 months of treatment), 6, 12, 18, and...
Eligibility criteria
- Inclusion Criteria:
- • 1. Written informed consent and legal representative's permission for study participation obtained prior to beginning of participation in the study.
- • 2. Age ≥6 to \<18 years old.
- 3. Recognized physician diagnosis of active ERA or jPsA:
- * ERA per ILAR criteria:
- • Peripheral arthritis and enthesitis, or
- • Arthritis or enthesitis, plus ≥ 3 months of inflammatory back pain and sacroiliitis on imaging, or
- • Arthritis or enthesitis plus 2 of the following: sacroiliac joint tenderness; inflammatory back pain; presence of HLA-B27 antigen; acute (symptomatic) anterior uveitis; and history of a spondyloarthritis in a first-degree relative.
- • jPsA per ILAR criteria
- • Arthritis and psoriasis, or
- * arthritis and at least 2 of the following:
- • Dactylitis
- • Nail pitting or onycholysis
- • Psoriasis in a first-degree relative.
- • 4. Patient was prescribed with secukinumab within 4-8 weeks before inclusion.
- • 5. Decision for secukinumab prescription was made by the attending physician according to the approved national label during routine clinical practice, regardless of this non-interventional study conduct.
- • 6. The Purified Protein Derivative (PPD) Skin Test for Tuberculosis and/or Negative T-SPOT test and/or TB-feron test before secukinumab treatment and every 6 months.
- Exclusion Criteria:
- • 1. Known or suspected severe hypersensitivity for secukinumab, formulation excipients, or injection device components (i.e., latex).
- • 2. Chronic recurrent infections.
- • 3. Clinically significant infection exacerbation, including active tuberculosis.
- • 4. Age \<6 years or ≥18 years.
- • 5. Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
- • 6. Patients participating in parallel in an interventional clinical trial.
- • 7. Patients participating in parallel in other Novartis-sponsored non-interventional study generating primary data for secukinumab.
- • 8. Patients within the safety follow-up phase of interventional study.
- • 9. Active inflammatory bowel disease at inclusion.
- • 10. Patients who received any vaccine within 4 weeks prior to secukinumab initiation.
- • 11. Any medical or psychological condition in the investigator's opinion which may prevent the study participation.
- • 12. Concomitant conditions (Candida infections, other infections, inflammatory bowel disease \[IBD\], uveitis, skin and nail psoriasis for ERA patients, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, tuberculosis).
Trial Officials
Novartis Pharmaceuticals
Study Director
Novartis Pharmaceuticals
About Novartis Pharmaceuticals
Novartis Pharmaceuticals is a global healthcare company dedicated to reimagining medicine to improve and extend people's lives. With a strong focus on innovation, Novartis engages in the research, development, and commercialization of a broad range of therapies across various therapeutic areas, including oncology, cardiology, dermatology, and neuroscience. The company is committed to advancing scientific knowledge and patient care through clinical trials that prioritize safety and efficacy. Novartis leverages cutting-edge technology and collaborative partnerships to address unmet medical needs and deliver transformative treatments that enhance patient outcomes worldwide.
Jennifer Cobb
Immunology at National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
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Not reported
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