A Study to Evaluate Bioavailability of Rocatinlimab Autoinjector and Vial in Healthy Participants
Launched by AMGEN · May 27, 2024
Trial Information
Current as of March 14, 2025
Active, not recruiting
ClinConnect Summary
This clinical trial is studying a new medication called rocatinlimab, which is being tested to see how well it works when given as an injection using an autoinjector compared to a vial in healthy individuals. The trial aims to understand how the body absorbs and processes this medication, which could be important for treating conditions like atopic dermatitis, a type of skin condition that causes itchy and inflamed skin.
To participate in this study, you need to be a healthy adult between the ages of 18 and 60, with a body weight within a specific range. Participants will be closely monitored throughout the trial, which includes providing consent and undergoing health screenings to ensure safety. It’s important to note that individuals with certain health conditions, such as significant heart issues or recent infections, may not be eligible. If you qualify and choose to participate, you’ll help researchers gather valuable information that could lead to better treatments for skin conditions in the future.
Eligibility criteria
- Inclusion Criteria:
- • 1. Participant has provided informed consent before initiation of any study-specific activities/procedures.
- • 2. Healthy male or female participants, between 18 and 60 years of age (inclusive)
- • 3. Body mass index between 18 and 32 kg/m2 (inclusive)
- Exclusion Criteria:
- • 1. History or evidence, at Screening or Check-in, of clinically significant disorder, condition, or disease not otherwise excluded that, in the opinion of the Investigator (or designee), would pose a risk to participant safety or interfere with the study evaluation, procedures, or completion.
- • 2. History or evidence of clinically significant arrhythmia at Screening, including any clinically significant findings on the ECG taken at Check-in.
- • 3. A QT interval corrected for heart rate using Fridericia's method (QTcF) \> 450 msec in male participants or \> 470 msec in female participants or history/evidence of long QT syndrome at Screening or Check-in.
- • 4. Systolic blood pressure ≥ 140 mmHg or ≤ 90 mmHg, or diastolic blood pressure ≥ 90 mmHg or ≤ 50 mmHg, or pulse rate ≥ 100 bpm or ≤ 40 bpm
- • 5. History of hypersensitivity, intolerance, or allergy to any drug compound, food, or other substance, unless approved by the Investigator (or designee). Participants with seasonal allergies will be permitted.
- • 6. Estimated glomerular filtration rate less than 70 mL/min/1.73 m2
- • 7. Alanine aminotransferase or aspartate aminotransferase \> 1.5 times the upper limit of normal at Screening or Check-in.
- • 8. Positive hepatitis B or hepatitis C panel (including positive hepatitis B surface antigen \[HBsAg\] and/or positive hepatitis C antibody) and/or positive human immunodeficiency virus test at Screening. Participants whose results are compatible with prior hepatitis B vaccination (positive hepatitis B surface antibody, negative hepatitis B core antibody, negative HBsAg) or prior infection (positive hepatitis B core antibody, positive hepatitis B surface antibody, negative HBsAg) may be included.
- • 9. Participants who have received live vaccines within 5 weeks prior to Screening, or plan to receive live vaccines within 90 days after administration of an investigational product.
- • Inactive vaccination (e.g., non-live or nonreplicating agent), including coronavirus-2019 (COVID-19) vaccination, is allowed.
- • 10. History of latent tuberculosis or active chronic, recurrent, or acute infection requiring treatment with systemic antibiotics, antiviral, antiparasitic, antiprotozoal, or antifungals which has not completely resolved, or for which therapy has not been completed, within 4 weeks before Screening.
- 11. Use of any over-the-counter or prescription medications within 30 days or 5 half-lives (whichever is longer) before Check-in, excluding the following:
- • 1. Acetaminophen (paracetamol) (up to 2 g per day) for analgesia will be allowed.
- • 2. Hormonal contraception listed in Appendix 3 will be allowed.
- • 3. Hormone replacement therapy (e.g., estrogen) and hormonal contraceptives will be allowed.
- • 12. All herbal medicines (e.g., St. John's wort), vitamins, and supplements consumed by the participant within the 30 days prior to Check-in, unless deemed acceptable by the Investigator (or designee) and in consultation with the Sponsor.
- • 13. Participant has received a dose of an investigational drug within the past 90 days or 5 half-lives, whichever is longer, prior to Check-in.
- • 14. Have previously completed or withdrawn from this study or any other study investigating rocatinlimab or have previously received rocatinlimab.
Trial Officials
Study Director
About Amgen
Amgen is a leading global biotechnology company dedicated to discovering, developing, manufacturing, and delivering innovative human therapeutics. With a strong focus on areas such as oncology, cardiovascular disease, and inflammation, Amgen leverages advanced science and technology to address complex medical needs. The company is committed to improving patient outcomes through rigorous clinical trials and robust research initiatives, ensuring the highest standards of safety and efficacy in its products. With a rich pipeline of cutting-edge therapies, Amgen continues to be at the forefront of biopharmaceutical advancements, making a significant impact on healthcare worldwide.
Jennifer Cobb
Immunology at National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
Daytona Beach, Florida, United States
Madison, Wisconsin, United States
Daytona Beach, Florida, United States
Dallas, Texas, United States
Madison, Wisconsin, United States
Dallas, Texas, United States
People applied
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Trial launched
Trial updated
Estimated completion
Not reported
Discussion 0