Search / Trial NCT00000904

Safety and Effectiveness of Anti-HIV Vaccines in HIV-Negative Adults


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Trial Information

Current as of September 08, 2024



Vaccines, Synthetic Viral Vaccines Hiv Antibodies Hiv Envelope Protein Gp160 Aids Vaccines T Lymphocytes, Cytotoxic Hiv Seronegativity Antibody Formation Risk Taking Avipoxvirus Genetic Vectors Immunization Hiv Preventive Vaccine


Previous studies in humans have shown that immunization with certain vaccine combinations (that is, ALVAC-HIV construct and an envelope subunit vaccine) can elicit CTL activity, antibody-dependent cellular toxicity (ADCC), neutralizing antibodies, and other antibody responses more often and at higher levels than either vaccine alone. This study examines improved vaccine candidates that can elicit broader, longer-lasting CTL activity in the majority of vaccine recipients. Volunteers are randomized to one of four groups. Group I receives vCP205. Group II receives vCP1433. Group III receives ...



Eligibility criteria

  • Inclusion Criteria
  • You may be eligible for this study if you:
  • * Are 18-60 years old.
  • * Are HIV-negative and are in good health.
  • * Have a CD4 count of at least 400 cells/mm3.
  • * Test negative for hepatitis B.
  • * Agree to use effective methods of birth control for 1 month before and during the study.
  • Exclusion Criteria
  • You will not be eligible for this study if you:
  • * Are at high risk for being infected with HIV (risky sex behavior or injection drug use within 12 months prior to study entry).
  • * Have a serious medical condition, or if you have had chronic sickness, diseases of the immune system, or cancer that was not cured through surgery.
  • * Have a serious psychiatric condition or if you have been suicidal.
  • * Have a work commitment that would keep you from completing the study.
  • * Have syphilis or tuberculosis.
  • * Are allergic to eggs, neomycin, vaccines, or have ever had severe allergic reactions.
  • * Have taken certain medicines, including medicines that affect the immune system or experimental medicines.
  • * Have participated in another HIV vaccine trial.
  • * Have received any vaccines within 2 weeks of study entry.
  • * Have received a blood transfusion within 6 months prior to study entry.
  • * Are pregnant or breast-feeding.

About Sponsor

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID, /ˈnaɪ.æd/) is one of the 27 institutes and centers that make up the National Institutes of Health (NIH), an agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). NIAID's mission is to conduct basic and applied research to better understand, treat, and prevent infectious, immunologic, and allergic diseases.



Jennifer Cobb

Immunology at National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)


Nashville, Tennessee, United States

Seattle, Washington, United States

Rochester, New York, United States

Saint Louis, Missouri, United States

Baltimore, Maryland, United States

Birmingham, Alabama, United States

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